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Home Blog Top Factors You Need to Know Before Opting Cross-Platform Development

Top Factors You Need to Know Before Opting Cross-Platform Development

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A dedicated and feature-rich mobile app has become a need of the hour for modern enterprises. Though entrepreneurs accept the importance of a seamless business app unanimously, many of them tend to postpone the idea of developing an app. We can mention multiple reasons for this approach, but one of the most common reasons is the cost of native app development.

Startups and even some SMEs do not afford the high development cost of native apps. Some entrepreneurs and business persons prefer to sit on the fence simply because they have a budget for either an Android app or an iOS app. Here, advancing technology lends a helping hand, and cross-platform mobile app development comes into the picture. Let’s understand this concept and find out how it can assist your business to grow.

The choice between native and cross-platform apps has remained a hot potato in the corporate world for many years. Thankfully, evolving technology has bridged the gap between native and cross-platform or hybrid apps by offering robust and reliable cross-platform mobile app development platforms like Flutter, Ionic, React Native, and PhoneGap. Statista has given the list of top cross-platform frameworks across the globe.



Let’s have a quick look at the key differences between native and cross-platform app development from the perspective of end-users. But before moving to these differences, we need to understand what we mean by cross-platform apps. Simply put, cross-platform apps are made with a single codebase and work seamlessly across both operating systems- Android and iOS. These apps can also work well on even the web or desktops.

What are the key differences between native and cross-platform apps?

Native apps are developed specifically for Android or iOS. They can make the best possible use of available resources and the capabilities of the respective platform. This characteristic makes native apps high-performing and robust so that they are less likely to crash as compared to cross-platform counterparts. However, a reputed and reliable cross-platform app development company can address this challenge effectively by using cutting-edge tools.

When it comes to features, it appears that native apps can make the best use of the built-in features of Android or iOS-powered devices. As cross-platform apps have limited access to the API, they may not utilize the built-in features of devices, but, expert developers can certainly integrate native-like features in the app using the advancements of the framework. Many native apps also offer offline features, which is not easily possible with customized cross-platform apps.

Also Read- How to Hire Dedicated Mobile App Developers for Your Business App?

After going through the differences from the end-user perspective we will see how cross-platform apps remain more cost-effective than native apps while offering entrepreneurs an advantage of TTM (Time to Market).

Cross-platform mobile app development can be way cheaper than native app development especially if a startup or a small company wants to come up with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) initially. When you hire mobile app developers for native apps, chances are high that you need to hire separate developers for Android and iOS, whereas, in cross-platform development, app developers use the one-app-fits-all approach. Therefore, there is no need to hire separate developers for different platforms.

Cross-platform apps can be developed in a shorter time because they need a single code for both major OS. What’s more, only a single team of mobile app developers works on cross-platform apps, and therefore, it is easy to eliminate potential delays in development. In a way, entrepreneurs can get the benefit of a reduced TTM (Time to Market) for cross-platform apps.

In other words, cross-platform app development is ideal for clients who want their apps ready in a shorter time and for both Android and iOS platforms in a cost-effective way. Before digging deep into other benefits of customized cross-platform apps, let’s have a glance at some top cross-platform apps.

Popular Cross-platform Apps in the World

Google Ads, Stadia, Google Assistant, Alibaba, Tencent, Groupon, SpaceX Go- Flutter (Developed and maintained by Google) Parts of Facebook like Marketplace and Ads Manager, Instagram, Uber Eats, Pinterest, Skype- React Native (Developed and maintained by Facebook)

Key Benefits of Cross-platform Apps over Native Counterparts

Here are the top benefits of cross-platform apps to consider while deciding the development method for your business app.

Big Saving in Development Cost

It is fair to mention that cross-platform app development enables you to save up to 80% of the overall project budget, and you can expect a whopping 234% ROI as compared to native applications.

Address a Huge Audience

Cross-platform apps work well across both major mobile operating systems and even on desktops. As a result, it is easy to reach a huge audience consists of smartphone owners and desktop users with a shorter TTM.

Availability of Resources

Most development platforms are based on the web, and therefore, you can easily find necessary resources among a large pool of web developers for modification and customization of your existing cross-platform app.

Shorter Development Time

Single and reusable code enables mobile app developers to come up with seamlessly performing cross-platform apps in relatively a short time. It gives you a competitive edge over peers who are yet to come up with their apps.

Concluding Lines

Native and cross-platform apps have their pros and cons. It is always better to consult a reputed mobile app development company with your business requirements and budget to get the best possible app solution. Your reliable app development partner can assist you to consider all the necessary aspects before opting for developing a customized app with desired features for your business.

Silver Touch Technologies UK is a renowned cross-platform mobile app development company in the UK. We assist global corporate clients to make the most of mobility by offering flexible engagement models for mobile app developers. We take care of every aspect of the cross-platform app development while integrating technological advancements to meet the client’s diverse business needs in the best possible manner.

Are you in search of a reliable mobile app development company? Simply drop us a line at, and we will get back to you soon with an effective strategy for your business needs.

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