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Home Blog Five Ways that show Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation Made for Each Other

Five Ways that show Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation Made for Each Other

RPA Services

The corporate world has accepted that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and process mining complement each other. But then, many companies still struggle in putting both technologies to good use in business processes. Some misconceptions and misleading information are floating about both process mining and RPA implementation.

In this blog, we will attempt to clear things up and check how both these technologies augment each other to bring you higher ROI over the period. But, before moving ahead, let’s go through the brief definitions of process mining and RPA.

What is Process Mining and RPA?

Process Mining is a process for gaining insights into various business processes through the data stored in your IT system. You can get a clear picture of business processes in real-time through process mining.

RPA is a process to bring automation in various business operations using software bots. RPA can automate repetitive and mundane processes that require human intervention. In a way, this technology saves time and effort while enabling companies to increase productivity. Though RPA and process mining are different technologies, they can work wonders together in modern enterprises. Let’s see the five benefits of RPA and process mining combination.

1. Actionable Automation

Process Mining aims at fetching the as-is state of various processes, and RPA can turn this information into actionable automation. Process Mining collects all the event logs left by sitting on the top of an existing IT infrastructure of your company. These event logs contain what, who, and when of every process, and based on this information, process mining can produce an interactive depiction. RPA developers can utilize this process map and deploy the bots accordingly to complete the process and set the schedule.

2. Identification of Processes

It is cumbersome for your employees to identify processes that can be automated. However, with the help of a transparent process map from a Process Mining tool, this process becomes easier. The Process Mining tool is also useful for identifying steps that involve multiple variations, inconsistencies, or discrepancies.

This analysis enables us to get rid of one of the most frequent failure points of RPA implementation in India- automation of faulty processes. As RPA requires standardized and repetitive tasks to remain most effective, the identification of processes plays a crucial role in making RPA solutions successful in modern enterprises.

Also Read- Top Benefits of RPA Bots and Tips to Ensure Successful RPA Implementation

3. Better Compliance

Process Mining can provide the template based on the real-time performance data and RPA takes that template to automate the process. A comprehensive process map consists of various steps that are performed by a single employee working at their workplace. The process map makes RPA implementation seamless and enables users to get ready for compliance checking and monitoring, It eventually leads to better performance and improved production cycle.

4. Streamlining Processes

At times, some complex processes have too many variations or deviations, and you need to streamline the processes while bringing automation. Here, both Process Mining and RPA can lend a helping hand. Process Mining will collect the data and passes the same to RPA developers. They can effectively utilize the data in their robotic process automation, thereby streamlining the process. Also, they can address any deviation or complexity efficiently while setting rules for the customized bots.

5. Effective Measurement

Once processes get automated, it is necessary to generate statistics and measures to compare to KPIs. Again, Process Mining comes into the picture and paves the way to compile all the numbers for comparison. We can run process mining at any time to get a real-time process map of all automated processes. It is easy to compare the new map with the old one, which is from the pre-automation state.

RPA bots bring improvement in various operations through automation and Process Mining enables you to measure KPIs for comparison.

Concluding Lines

Looking at these advantages, we can say that RPA and process mining are complementary to each other. On one hand, process mining fetches the data related to various processes, and on the other hand, RPA brings automation to these processes for increasing efficiency and productivity. It is fair to mention that RPA projects can have higher chances of success when they have the support of Process Mining.

Silver Touch Technologies UK is a leading custom software development company. We provide robust and reliable robotic process automation solutions to our global corporate clientele. Whether you hire RPA developers or want to know more about an array of services we provide in the enterprise software development domain, simply drop us a line at, and our expert business consultants will contact you soon.

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