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Home Blog How AI and ML Applications will Shape the Post-COVID World

How AI and ML Applications will Shape the Post-COVID World

impact of ai and ml

COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the way we work but also brings drastic changes in the way we live. Be it a startup or an established enterprise, no industry sector has remained resilient against a massive transformation the pandemic has brought. As we witness a paradigm shift from manual processes to automation and smart analytics, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) technologies are all set to play a vital role.

As more companies are adopting AI and ML services gradually across the world, we will see the impact of various applications based on these futuristic technologies in the near future. Image analytics, based on AI and ML, is used to detect standard and specific human movements, whereas, CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) promotes innovations with human-like behavior. Limitations of resources and other crisis lead us toward a fully-automated environment.

This article talks about major AI and ML-based applications that will dominate the Post-COVID world. Let’s start with CCTV cameras. When it comes to implementing image analytics using AI and ML, CCTV cameras will remain in focus because they provide the most comfortable way for image analysis by connecting on a common platform. CVT aka Computer Vision Technology is a domain of AI, and in the coming time, it will help developers build innovative applications. CCTV cameras, based on this technology, will be used vigorously for monitoring, surveillance, and security.

Some of the obvious use cases of the CCTV cameras based on CVT are-

  • Social distancing and crowd monitoring
  • PPE violations monitoring (People who do not wear the mask in the public places)
  • Detection of hot spots for virus spread
  • Effective access control mechanisms with attendance systems
  • Quick and easy control on user access through facial recognition solution
  • Measurement and monitoring of human body temperature

The CVT technology aims at controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 by helping the authorities in testing and tracking people. It is fair to mention that people have also understood the benefits of CVT platforms, and they are okay with the presence of CCTV cameras almost everywhere. The integration of the deep learning system in the CCTV cameras enables them to store, record, and track people based on the available data for a longer duration. It assists the authorities to curb the spread of the virus by providing real-time data. It is possible to impose strict control on possible hot spots and the government can identify the infected individuals quickly. CVT-based applications are easy to install and use.

The CVT ecosystem can also track and monitor all activities as a part of a standard home assistance system. It makes the lives more secure and comfortable. What makes this ecosystem more attractive is the fact that it needs a negligible investment. A CCTV camera, a central network console that hosts it and the software suite are all we need. A reputed AI and ML solutions provider can develop the software with desired features and functionality to make the most of CVT technology. In a way, these image analytics solutions are highly customized. Here, it is necessary to store and share data in a highly secure way. Information of people needs to be protected at every stage. There, data encryption and annotation techniques remain helpful to keep the data related to monitoring and surveillance secure. These techniques also assure privacy protection for people and users alike.

Concluding Lines

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world rapidly. Enterprises have to adopt the new reality brought by the invisible enemy known as coronavirus. Even if we will get rid of COVID-19, it is difficult to return to the previous way of living. While embracing the ‘new normal’, we have to rely upon CVT, artificial intelligence, and machine learning solutions for a long time. There is no exaggeration in mentioning that AI and ML will build the future and the AI and ML services will drive the transition.

The corporate world needs to face this troubling time by integrating AI and ML technologies in the business ecosystem. Entrepreneurs and employees can in a way remain secure and productive in this pandemic age and beyond. Silver Touch Technologies UK is a leading AI and ML services provider. We integrate technological advancements of artificial intelligence and machine learning to bring digital transformation in your business processes. Simply send us an email at with your requirements, and our expert professionals will gladly assist you to come up with AI-based applications that bring digital transformation and automation in your business processes.

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