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Home Blog How Can an ERP System Help Boost Customer Experience?

How Can an ERP System Help Boost Customer Experience?

Get your Customers Inspired with SAP Business One

Business initiatives nowadays are customer-orientated. The move toward value-added services has been evident for some years now, but what holds more importance is improving customer experience. In the past, fast product commoditisation through discounted prices was preferred more to attract new customers whereas today delivering value counterbalances shrinking prices. This traditional inward-looking approach is now clearing away for a more modern outward looking i.e. customer-driven approach. Leading companies in all countries from every industry have realised the significance of creating a customer-oriented culture and process their workflows accordingly to generate seamless and superior customer experience. They focus on serving their customers better regarding products or service features and functions and their alignment as per the customer s needs.

What they need to understand is how to overcome cost challenges associated with creating a better customer experience and ultimately grow their businesses. The role of ERP appears crucial here. Considering the business landscape in the recent years that was dominated by a sequence of the financial crisis and a continued threat of instability, businesses have faced profitability challenges with a number of factors, including the need to retain customers and the struggle to reach new markets.

Companies positioned on higher levels in achieving customer experience maturity have a higher consideration of ERP as a vital tool in delivering a good customer experience. Many researches indicate that improved customer experience can be gained through investment in modern, fully integrated, agile and easy to use ERP systems, one like SAP Business One that automates and streamline all operational processes and consociate back-office with front-office by providing integrated CRM. It paves the way for customer loyalty and longer lasting relationships by analysing and using historical data for improved customer insight. It creates an essential engagement that explains how easy an organisation is to do business with, its reliability, and speed of interaction.

When business strategists who adopted SAP Business One were asked that how it helped their business, customer experience was highlighted since the application analysed past customer interaction data, speeded up decision-making, and improved visibility of accurate and timely information throughout the value chain. They added that engaging on deeper levels with the customer base with the help of such an application is the only way to survive in this weak economic growth with lower customer loyalty and build new business opportunities. Other well-documented benefits you can expect from implementing a good ERP system includes increased material availability, improved shop floor visibility together with the ability to more accurately schedule work. This helps companies to predict delivery dates more reliably, which are all key components of customer service.

Get rid of the lack of interoperability across disparate systems that act as a key contributor to reduced customer experience and service delivery. Increase the quality of engagement with your customers by using SAP Business One in a way that your company gets rewarded with higher profits from loyal and happy customers. With SAP Business One Mobility Solution, you can achieve rapid returns on your investment.

Read this to find out how SAP Business One can improve your business’s overall performance.

For a free SAP Business One demo, call us on +44 – (0) 203-872-5140 or e-mail at today!

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