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Home Blog Top Features of the Silver Marketplace Integration Tool for Your E-Commerce Business

Top Features of the Silver Marketplace Integration Tool for Your E-Commerce Business

Silver Marketplace Integration

SAP Business One ERP solution is an ideal complement for your eCommerce business. Online stores and startups can take advantage of SAP Business One system irrespective of their size, and boost their business by providing improved customer services. A globally-acclaimed SAP Partner, Silver Touch Technologies enables you to connect eCommerce portals, CRM apps, or market places with SAP Business One system through a customised and comprehensive integration tool.

Silver Marketplace integration tool offers seamless integration across all major eCommerce frameworks including Magento Enterprise, Shopify, BIGCOMMERCE, and Magento. Let’s go through key capabilities of this 360-degree integration tool.

Key Features of Silver Marketplace Integration Tool

  1. Order Synchronisation
  2. Silver Marketplace tool allows companies of any size to sync web orders with SAP Business One. A dynamic mapping screen can assist the users in order synchronisation.

  3. Promote Marketing Campaigns
  4. This is another important feature of this tool. You can readily sync the guest users or visitors’ details with SAP Business One. This synchronisation is useful for running online marketing campaigns.

  5. Warehouse Management
  6. It is necessary for your eCommerce business to manage warehouse in a way that you can get rid of the demand-supply gap. Now, Silver Marketplace Integration tool provides support for managing warehouse by connecting SAP Business One with your eCommerce platform.

  7. Utilising Business Partner Data
  8. This tool assists you to sync data of retailers, distributors, wholesalers, and other stakeholders with SAP Business One. You can utilise this business partner data for further communication and improve your services. For example, you can contact distributors anytime using this data to prevent a ‘No Stock’ situation. B2B marketplace can utilise this valuable data to run the marketing campaign as well.

  9. Payment Integration
  10. Payment gateways and integration of various payment methods are crucial for the success of any eCommerce business. Using this tool, you can readily sync various payment methods with SAP Business One and accept online as well as offline payments with ease.

  11. Store-wise Pricing
  12. You can readily attach SAP Business One pricelists with eCommerce platforms like Magento by using this tool. What’s more, you can have different prices for the same item on various eCommerce platforms in line with the SAP Business One pricelist.

  13. Sales Order Approval
  14. You can download web orders as ‘draft sales order’ in SAP Business One using this tool. Your employees can verify the sales order before approving it by using this feature.

  15. Allocation of Credit Limit
  16. You can set the credit limit or period for various customers in SAP Business One system by using this tool. It can help you stay updated about credit limits for your customers.

  17. Multilingual and Multicurrency Support
  18. If you want to expand your eCommerce business beyond borders, all you need is a reliable support for multiple languages and currencies. Silver Marketplace Integration tool provides currency conversion facility while synchronising eCommerce platforms with SAP Business One.

  19. Group Pricing
  20. It is possible for you to define multiple groups of customers. You can also integrate these groups in its related SAP Business One price -lists for implementing a proper pricing strategy. In other words, group pricing facility is available in this tool.

Also Read: Advantages of integrating eCommerce Portal with SAP Business One

Additional Features

Apart from these key features, this customised tool offers various additional features for B2C and B2B platforms. Here are such additional features in brief that benefit your company irrespective of nature of business

  • Additional room for promotional schemes
  • What is the secret of running promotional schemes successfully? Well, you need to define and differentiate customers and visitors. You can classify them as reseller, distributor, registered or unregistered users, and so on. This segmentation is very much necessary for planning a marketing strategy and making a roadmap to get the desired result.

  • Activity schedule
  • E-Commerce business includes complex activities including updates in price and stock in SAP Business One. The Silver Marketplace Integration tool enables you to schedule activities in line with SAP Business One platform for a particular period. This scheduling is necessary for better implementation of your business strategies.

  • Discount Facility
  • SAP Business One is capable of managing discounts and tier pricing. This functionality is managed effectively by this tool.

Silver Marketplace Integration Tool’s Top Features for Marketplace

  1. Customer Information Sync
  2. When it comes to marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, millions of registered users frequently visit them and these marketplaces do not offer any separate store for various vendors or retailers. The Silver Marketplace Integration tool enables you to get details of a registered user along with their primary and shipping address through SAP Business One platform.

  3. Synchronisation of Sales Order
  4. SAP Business One synchronises sales orders in the marketplace as ERP sales orders. The marketplace integration tool enables downloading of active or accomplished sales orders. A renowned marketplace eBay supports bidding, therefore, SAP Business One sales order shows price differences in the product as a discount when the customer purchases the product.

  5. Real-time Inventory Updates
  6. Inventory management and product synchronisation are easy with SAP Business One. This ERP platform can update all the data regarding inventory in the product listing of the marketplace. You can either set inventories as a combined or specific inventory.

  7. Shipment Synchronisation
  8. SAP Business One can readily sync deliveries with market places under shipment and delivery information sector. It is added from the update of order status, and your customers can get a notification about their orders. SAP Business One is a robust and reliable solution for the eCommerce business of any size and scale. It has built-in features useful for market places like Amazon and eBay. You may wonder how these features work in large online market places. Read on to get your answer!

    Concluding Lines

    It is fair to mention that Silver Marketplace Integration tool assists you to make the most of SAP Business One and increase productivity. What makes this tool more useful for the eCommerce sector is its flexibility to meet diverse and complex business requirements.

    Silver Touch Technologies is an accredited SAP partner with proven expertise in the domains of retail, manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution. We assist companies to leverage the benefits of SAP Business One by providing excellent support and proper implementation of a customised solution. If you run an SME or own a startup, we can help you take your business to the next level. Sounds good? Just send us an email at and our expert professionals will get back to you.

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